Tuesday 5 May 2015

Project Evaluation: Claudia and Quentin

For the second part of this term, when we were given Claudia and Quentin, and we were told to chose a TV series that these two characters could be in, at first I was looking forward to it as I have never had to think about creating characters to go into an already existing show. We also had to come up with a backstory for both of these characters too, I found this the hardest as I had so many ideas going through my head that I didn’t know what I actually wanted to do for both of my characters, apart from that I wanted to use the TV series, the Vampire Diaries.

At first I found it difficult to come up with ideas for make up for a male vampire, without having blood on it, therefore I chose my Quentin to have blood on the design instead of having Claudia as well ,because of my first design for Claudia was for her to have a small drip of blood coming from the corner of her mouth, but I thought that if I had put both characters with blood coming from their mouths would not look right, but the designs that I have come up with I am happy with. The only problem I had when creating the look was that, my model’s eczema  had flared up a couple of days before shooting, which did make it a bit hard when applying foundation to the skin especially when close to the eye,I also had to apply a small amount of eyeshadow, although I took my time when applying make up to this area, it was slightly hard as my model’s eyes would water a fair bit, which meant I then had to go back with foundation and then eyeshadow and it was a bit of an endless cycle. Where as my Claudia photo shoot went really well and I didn’t have any other problems apart from coming up with the designs.

Quentin: Photoshoot

Quentin: Hair Designs

For this design I was going to leave my models hair natural as it is naturally wavy, and just add in a small amount of wax just to keep it under control. Although this idea is quick and easy I don't feel like this idea will go with the make up look I wanted to use.

Although this design is similar to the first one, which it is as I am still going to keep my models hair natural and use wax to keep it under control but I will push it back to make my Quentin look like a bad boy, I also think that this hairstyle will go well with the make up look that I have chosen.

Quentin: Final Face Chart

 This is my last face design for Quentin, and this is the one that I want to use for my final look. I still kept the idea of having red eyes like he has never seen sunlight, and I kept it quite minimal as in my first idea I thought that it was too much, I also added in some burgundy colour as I felt this made the character look more evil and mysterious. I also still kept with my second idea of having blood coming from the mouth, however I chose to have the blood coming from both sides of his mouth and more on his lips as I thought this looked more like he has just fed.

Quentin: Face Charts

For my first idea for Quentin was to have him normal looking,but have his eyes looking sore and red like he too has not seen sunlight in a while. To do this I will use the red greasepaint as well as a red eyeshadow to create this red eyed effect. Although this look is simple and the red eyes makes it look effective I don't think I will use this idea as I don't think it really shows him being a vampire really.

For my second idea I still had the idea of the red eye look however I did not want it to be as noticeable on this idea than it was on the first one. I also added in some dark eyeshadows around the lash lines mainly in dark browns and black colours, I did this to make the eyes look darker and to define them and for my character look darker and mysterious. I also wanted to add in some blood to this look, to make it look like he just fed, I used some greasepaint to create a blood stain on his lips and then add some blood on top and let drip down one side.

Claudia: Photoshoot

Claudia: Hair Designs

For my first idea for Claudia's hair was to have it wavy, as I wanted to my Claudia to look innocent but have a little sex appeal about her too, so I wanted her hair to be wavy and quite big. To do this I will use a large curling tong to create these curls.

Another look that I had for Claudia was to keep her hair straight, as my model has long thick hair, I was just going to use hair straighteners, but I am going to wash my model's hair before I start doing the look, and I will blow dry it straight first to see how that comes out. However I think I will go with this hair design because I think this will suit Claudia's and the makeup look I want to do.