Whilst prostitutes and actresses were seen as the same thing, they would wear strong make-up, ladies of the upper class would wear very little make-up and in natural tones. At this time it was seen idyllic to be delicate, very feminine and fragile. The idea to have a pale white complexion carried over from previous eras,which showed wealth,power and status.
https://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mavdztD7Y21qlzj42o1_500.png |
For those who still used makeup and desired a pale complexion, they would use pastes, some of what came from previous eras, mainly from the Elizabethan era which had been passed down and through other eras. However it was during this time that women started to use Zinc Oxide, which was a white mineral powder that was a lot safer to use and still achieved the same effect, because of this so called desired look to have a pale complexion some women still went as far as to draw on small blue veins on their skin, making it look more translucent. Some went to further extend to create paler faces by emphasizing their dark circles. They would apply a red rouge to their cheeks and lips. The use of powders were used sparsely to prevent shine and give the skin a bit of glow.
http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l819b28uNn1qzy8r9.jpg |
Internet Source: http://beautifulwithbrains.com/2010/08/06/beauty-in-the-victorian-age/ © 2008-2014
Date Viewed: 9/01/2015
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