Wednesday 25 February 2015

Final Design For Miss Havisham's Hair

Below is my final design, although it is similar to my first design there a few changes I made to the look, first off it is that I will not be making it look that messy, however I will be adding in dry shampoo which will give the hair a white spray colour which will make the hair look older and also give the look of dirty and dead hair. I will also be keeping the curls at the side of the head longer than the cheeks, as they were supposed to be by the cheeks but as the years have gone past, they have dropped, I was originally planning on the curls to be quite neat near the front as if Miss Havisham was trying to keep her hair looking like it did on her wedding day, I do feel like I did put that aspect in my design on the day as I left them quite neat I just let them hang loose on the face. For the back of the head I still left it in a plaited that had been twisted, but just before I twisted it around I pushed up the plait with my hand to make it become loose and messy.


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