Monday 23 March 2015

Character Profile: Claudia

Claudia is a girl in her twenties. As a child she was left alone to develop with little parental guidance and through her relationship with T.V and movies has developed an unhealthy relationship with horror films, believing this to be the way life really is.

All the scenes taken place in various parts of Claudia's apartment, which is European style with a great deal of kitsch decor. She is agoraphobic and is kept in touch with the outside world by her neighbours, who provide her with everyday requirements. She models herself on a variety of girls often twisting her look to sit whichever film she is watching at the time and there is often a nod to the main character in the current film within her appearance.

The script portrays her as psychotic and there is always the feeling that although her character is scripted/can be seen as humorous, danger is just around the corner. However all this is normal to Claudia and she is of a cheerful disposition in this mad world of hers.

Effects on Claudia's Health:
Little parental guidance:
- Poor Hygiene.
- Bad Teeth.
- Dirty House.
- Doesn't know how to act around people.

- Never goes outside
   - Lack of sunlight
   - Pale Skin
   - Moody
- Lonely
- Paranoid

Unhealthy relationship with horror films:
- Supernatural things are real
- Dresses like characters
- Wears make up just like them

- Seeing things that aren't there
- Perceive things differently 
- Delusions


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