Wednesday 18 March 2015

Comparing My Miss Havisham's

Miss Havisham - Assessment 1
Miss Havisham - Assessment 2

Looking at both my assessments and feeling fairly confident about them both. Even though I used images from my first look to help recreate the exact same make up for the second time, I feel like there are small differences between the two, as in the first one she is more old looking by the wrinkles I created whereas in the second one she looks younger. Another thing I have now noticed is that I did not put enough dry shampoo on her hair the second time. One thing I was mainly worried about was that I would not be able to recreate the sores on the lips or on the side of the neck, however I oddly found that the easiest bit, especially when looking at back at the photos after having done both assessments I think they look pretty similar.

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