Friday, 20 March 2015

Evaluation of Great Expectations

When first hearing that the first half of this project was going to be about Great Expectation, I did not think that I would enjoy it, however as the weeks went on and the tasks we were given I was starting to enjoy it more, especially when we had to think about how the characters lived and how it has affected them both physically, emotionally and visually. When I started to look into the effects Miss Havisham would have, I found it really interesting and how not going out into the sunlight can cause so much damage, and can branch off into other problems of health.
When it came to designing my Miss Havisham looks I thought it would be easier than what it is was, however because I wanted to add in sores I had to research into, to make sure that I created it looking as realistic as I could. I also wanted to include old age effect to my look as well. When learning about it in class the demo looked fairly easy, when I came to do it I mixed my colours up to dark and it was more red so when I came to blending it in, it looked like she was more scarred than have wrinkles. To overcome this I used a different coloured greasepaint, which I had found out about using after watching people on youtube create old aged makeup and they used a grey colour, luckily I have another greasepaint palette in my kit that had a grey colour in it.
For my assessment for Miss Havisham I found the first part fairly easy, however I was worried I wouldn't get my look done within the allotted time, fortunately I did, then next task I then had to overcome was to recreate the same look on my model in two weeks time, because I kept my design simple I thought it would have been relatively easy, however I was wrong for the second assessment I was more nervous about doing as one small little thing can change the whole look. To ensure that I created it exactly the same I took close of photos of the most detailed parts, I feel like that has helped me as I think my two assessment of Miss Havisham looks similar, apart from one or two aspects.
My Estella assessment was much more relaxed and I felt it went really well because I didn't have the pressure of an actual assessment. For both of my assessments, I didn't really add anything to my design, although I did order a wedding veil to use however it arrived the day after my first assessment, because of this I could not afford to buy anything else in time for my assessments.

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